Thursday 28 July 2005


今天,请你凝神屏息,严阵以待,因为,我终于脱离苦海了!世界万千,我黄百升,把心一横,把锅铲高举,将那个无良毒辣、狠心绝意、双手沾血、吃人吞骨的老板娘,炒她鱿鱼了!  哈 ! 哈~ !我疯了!我疯了!!!

啊!~ ~ 啊!~ ~ 你们听到了没有?听到了没有?我那凄厉的叫声?每当深夜降临,夜幕低垂也好,万家灯火也好,虫鸣鸟叫也好,我的双手开始不自由主的颤抖,什么惊弓之鸟,什么心有余悸,什么毛骨悚然,统统都可以在同一个时间一起涌上。对于这份惨绝人寰的工作,掏人心肺,你可以想象,我双膝跪地,双手高举,拿的是我的五脏六腑,鲜血淋漓。如果你还可以想象,我是从一个炼狱里走来,背后拉长了没有灵魂的黑影,双脚不着地的飘离。

如果我的四肢不能动弹,请将我从万丈深谷抛下,让我无止境的往下坠,因为我已学不会了挣扎; 如果我双目失明,把我荒置于断崖峭壁,让万虫啄噬,因为我看不到了逃跑的方向; 如果我声消音灭,让我在汪洋中漂流,给鱼只果腹,因为我没有了呼救的能力。如果我失去知觉,让我在荒漠中暴晒风干,因为我丧失了闪避的反应。



ok, 无论怎样,我还是出来了,我真的是不能想象我是怎样做这份工的!你不是我,你真得不能体会到,我不要讲它是辛酸,但是,隐隐约约,不是你从外头看进来的风光简单。

Thursday 7 July 2005

i've updated my photo album in friendster.

Check it, m8s. after thousands times struggles in my heart, i decided to quit the job today, i want to tell her this is another massive and ever great disaster after the bomb blasting in Central London.

p/s: for those who email me about my situation here in London, thank you guys. i appreciate it very much.

p/s 2: pls go to check the latest photo, this is the easiest way for me to up load those hard memories.

Saturday 2 July 2005

i'm so tired. honestly.

when i write a blog, there's an intension in telling my friends about my life here, although there are a lots of complaints and unsatisfied matters. sometimes, the story is sad and upsetting. but, i like it this way to express myself and let somebody who's cares about me know what am i doing at the moment. i always look at the sky above, you can see the cloud moving, sometimes dark sometimes bright. and i was hoping, hoping something different will change and bring goodness. i'm so afraid of worsen consequence will turn up and makes me feel horrible.

i don't know how to imagine, as me and myself, live in this kind of life, like a prisoner who give up his freedom and soul and everything to pay to the devils. people say: this is life. Oh... whatsoever. i'm about to move on, should get something done and stand tough in any other way.

i chat with a guy today, he is from Colorado. he said, England is 15 yrs backwards compare to the states. and i agree with him, he showed me few statistical figures saying that England just a shit in some perspectives like economics and the educations systems. and some more in their chaotic political world. and when i just live in a city like London and last year in Liverpool. after i watched their tv programs. i am so agree that England is just a shit.

p/s: i got your comment, kai san. looking forward to meet you in London.